DRI Compilation Guide : Testing the Server Without Installing It
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9. Testing the Server Without Installing It

As mentioned at the start of section 8, developers may want to simply run the X server without installing it. This can save some time and allow you to keep a number of X servers available for testing.

9.1. Configuration

As described in the preceding section, you'll need to create a configuration file for the new server. Put the XF86Config file in your ~/DRI-CVS/build/xc/programs/Xserver directory.

Be sure the ModulePath option is set correctly.

9.2. A Startup Script

A simple shell script can be used to start the X server. Here's an example.

	   export DISPLAY=:0
	   ./XFree86 -xf86config XF86Config & \
	   sleep 2
	   fvwm2 &
	   xset b off
	   xmodmap -e "clear mod4"
	   xsetroot -solid "#00306f"
	   xterm -geometry 80x40+0+0
You might name this script start-dri. Put it in your ~/DRI-CVS/build/xc/programs/Xserver directory.

To test the server run the script:

             cd ~/DRI-CVS/build/xc/programs/Xserver
For debugging, you may also want to capture the log messages printed by the server in a file. If you're using the C-shell:
             ./start-dri >& log

DRI Compilation Guide : Testing the Server Without Installing It
Previous: Normal Installation and Configuration
Next: Where To Go From Here