DRI Compilation Guide : X Server Configuration
Previous: Installing
Next: X Server Start-up

9. X Server Configuration

If your X server is currently running you'll have to stop it and return to a virtual terminal.

First, setup your XF86Config file. It should load the GLX and DRI modules and specify the driver to use for your hardware. See the DRI User Guide for detailed information.

You may want to make a backup copy of your existing /etc/X11/XF86Config file first.

It's very important that you set the ModulePath option to point to your installation directory:

            ModulePath "/usr/XF86-main/lib/modules"

Double check with this:

            grep ModulePath /etc/X11/XF86Config

Next, your ~/.xinitrc file controls which clients will be launched when your X server starts. You might put the following in yours:

            xset b off
            xsetroot -solid "#004070"
            xmodmap -e "clear mod4"
            xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults
            xterm -geometry +0+0 &
            xterm -geometry +512+0 &

DRI Compilation Guide : X Server Configuration
Previous: Installing
Next: X Server Start-up