XGETEXTENSIONVERSION(libmansuffix) ================================== NAME ---- XGetExtensionVersion - query the version of the input extension. SYNOPSIS -------- #include <X11/extensions/XInput.h> XExtensionVersion *XGetExtensionVersion( Display *display, char *name); display Specifies the connection to the X server. name Specifies the extension to be queried. The input extension name is definedin the header file XI.h. DESCRIPTION ----------- The XGetExtensionVersion request is deprecated and should not be used in XI2 applications. Clients issuing a XGetExtensionVersion request will not be able to use XI2 features. The XGetExtensionVersion request queries the version of the input extension, and returns an XExtensionVersion structure. This structure contains a major_version and minor_version number which can be compared with constants defined in XI.h. Support for additional protocol requests added to the input extension after its initial release is indicated by a version number corresponding to the added requests. Each version contains all the protocol requests contained by previous versions. You should use XFree to free the XExtensionVersion structure. STRUCTURES ---------- This request returns an XExtensionVersion structure. typedef struct { int present; short major_version; short minor_version; } XExtensionVersion;